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China Resources Qingyuan Fogang Fuxin Wind Farm Expansion Project completed the first wind turbine host work

2024-4-15 18:12:28

At 11:33 on April 13, the hoisting of the first wind turbine of China Resources Qingyuan Fogang Fuxin Wind Farm Expansion Project was successfully completed.

The total planning capacity of this project is 50 MW. It is planned to install 8 wind turbines with a single unit capacity of 5.6 MW and 1 wind turbine with a single unit capacity of 5.1 MW. The central hub height of the wind turbine is 115 meters and the blade length is 99 meters. Since the commencement of construction, the project has actively coordinated the resources of all parties, rationally arranged the hoisting period, and made preparations for the demonstration of technical schemes, quality supervision and technical disclosure of on-site construction in advance, laying a good foundation for the hoisting work.

The project execution team of New Energy Engineering Company will continue to uphold the spirit of high morale, not afraid of hardship and tiredness, strengthen precise management and control, speed up construction progress, and ensure the efficient completion of grid-connected power generation objectives of the project on the premise of ensuring the safety and quality of the project.
